Jason's Cosmolo-G Interactive Projects!

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Solar System



Infrared Astronomy is the detection and study of the infrared radiation (heat energy) emitted from objects in the Universe. Every object that has a non-zero temperature radiates in the infrared. Thus, Infrared Astronomy involves the study of just about everything in the Universe. In the field of astronomy, the infrared region lies within the range of sensitivity of infrared detectors which is between about 1 and 300 microns (a micron is one millionth of a meter). The human eye detects only 1% of light at 0.69 microns, and 0.01% at 0.75 microns, and so effectively cannot see wavelengths longer than about 0.75 microns unless the light source is extremely bright.

Viewing the Invisible

The Universe sends us a tremendous amount of information in the form of electromagnetic radiation (or light). Much of this information is in the infrared, which we cannot see with our eyes or with visible light telescopes. Only a small amount of this infrared information reaches the Earth's surface, yet by studying this small range of infrared wavelengths, astronomers have uncovered a wealth of new information. Only since the early 1980's have we been able to send infrared telescopes into orbit around the Earth, above the atmosphere which hides most of the Universe's light from us. The new discoveries made by these infrared satellite missions has been astounding. The first of these satellites - IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) - detected about 350,000 infrared sources, increasing the number of cataloged astronomical sources by about 70%.


All Sky Map of IRAS Point Sources
The plane of our galaxy runs horizontally across the image

Exploring the Hidden Universe

In space, there are many regions which are hidden from optical telescopes because they are embedded in dense regions of gas and dust. However, infrared radiation, having wavelengths which are much longer than visible light, can pass through dusty regions of space without being scattered. This means that we can study objects hidden by gas and dust in the infrared, which we cannot see in visible light, such as the center of our galaxy and regions of newly forming stars.

The images below, of the central region of our own Milky Way Galaxy and of the Cygnus star-forming region, show how areas which cannot be seen in visible light can show up very brightly in the infrared. The top row shows these regions in visible red light. At this wavelength we are seeing the light from billions of stars, particularly the largest, brightest ones. Note the dark bands where vast clouds of dust block our view of more distant objects. The middle row shows the same regions in the near infrared (infrared wavelengths closest to visible light). Here the light we see is also generated by stars, but now it better traces the smaller, cooler ones. Notice how the the lanes of dust have become partially transparent, allowing us to see things that are hidden in visible light. Our view of the central bulge of stars in our own Milky Way galaxy is particularly striking since it is almost completely obscured at shorter wavelengths! The bottom images show these regions in the far infrared (infrared wavelengths farther from visible light). At these wavelengths, stars hardly emit any light at all. Instead almost everything we see is generated by the dust clouds themselves. The dust,